Buddy program at UiT, campus Narvik
Welcome new students
Together with UiT campus Narvik and other key stakeholders, the Mentor Program aims to create important social meeting points for new students. We facilitate interactions among students from various programs and cohorts, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment
Welcome to the start of your studies, and welcome as a new student!
What are we and we do?
The Buddy Program at UiT, Narvik campus, is managed by the Campus Council in Narvik. Its main goal is to ensure new students are well taken care of at the start of their studies and to foster a social and academic environment for both new and returning students. The program includes not only mentors in vibrant colors around campus but also a leadership board.
The Mentor Board consists of a Mentor Leader and at least four board members. Together with their mentors, they work to give new students a warm welcome
but also socially