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The Campus Council in Narvik is an organization that works for the students at UiT in Narvik. The Council is responsible for the class representative system and actively works to protect the rights of students at UiT Narvik.

The Campus Council is independent of lists and parties, as well as from the management and administration at UiT in Narvik.

Our main goal is to make the daily academic life for our students at UiT in Narvik as good as possible.

Little about us

Rubik's Cube


Campustinget består et arbeidsutvalg (AU) og et styre som består av hovedtillitsvalgte

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Våre verv

Det er mange verv som skal fylles på campus-

Campus council in Narvik

We work to protect the academic, economic, and democratic rights of students at UiT in Narvik


Where to find us?

The Campus Council in Narvik has office spaces directly on campus.

Visit us at A2230 - A2250

Office hours:

Monday - Friday:

10.00 - 14.00

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